by Electronic Arts
Platform: PlayStation2
ESRB Rating: Everyone
- Take the wheel of a flying car
- Do not be late for the second term at Hogwarts School
- A magical multitude of new challenges
- Acessible but deep
- Interact with many characters
Editorial Reviews
Even though they were clearly aimed at children, the first Harry Potter games nevertheless managed to be quite good--an extraordinary feat considering that film-license games are usually awful. For this second crack at the gaming wand Harry moves to next-generation consoles too, and, from the two-level demo we played, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is looking even better than 2001's efforts.
Looking and playing similarly to Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda, the first level has you zapping gnomes with a stun spell and ejecting them from the garden they're roaming around in. Although simple in gameplay terms, this first little section allows you to get used to the pleasingly intuitive and flexible controls. A subsequent level is based on more traditional action set pieces, with you as Harry jumping about on platforms, avoiding elves, and using a magic spell to chop down ropes. It’s a real surprise to see a game this high profile, which would easily have sold a million if it’d been a blank disc with the Harry Potter logo, being made with such care and imagination. In fact, so good does it look so far that the old lie about nonfans of the movie/book being able to enjoy it might actually be true. --David Jenkins
Customer Reviews
You won't even blink, July 22, 2003
Reviewer: A 10-year old gamer
This game is far too fun, as the title says, this game will take you away so you forget to blink. As a 10 year old, Harry Potter fan, I'd have to say this Harry Potter version's pretty much better than the first. Exploring Hogwarts, completing tasks, learning hilarious, but great spells. Honestly, the game isn't perfect, it has it's bad and good things. I'll start with the bad. Here:
- Loading Sections-Why don't you just take a nap, get some snackage and wake up an hour later?
- So many things Hermione has you do- What is this. She knows what to do, but begs you to do it for her. I honestly think Harry don't wake up so he don't have to do it.
- One class a day-Maybe a year later, I'll look over this review and laugh, but for now, the laugh has yet to come.
Good things. Here:
- Much details-You can't expect the game to have EVERY single detail from the book or movie, so just deal with it.The game is pretty long if you constantly think about it.
- Quidditch-Quidditch is sometimes hard, but sometimes easy. Quidditch has it's difficulty games, and easy games.
- Much to do after all tasks finished-When you're done with all your tasks you can search for lost items, instead of autimatically heading to bed.
Well I've said it all. Overall the game is great. Don't say this too loud to get in trouble, but I HIGHLY RECOMMEND GETTING THIS GAME, beacuse this your dream game.
It's just so cool!, July 2, 2003
Reviewer: An Customer from Chicago, IL United States
I normally don't admit to this sort of thing, but I was addicted to this game. I bought it for myself, loved it and bought 3 more for my friends. I couldn't stop playing it. If you've played the first game and liked it, you'll love this one. If you didn't like the first game, which I was right there with you, I hated the first game and was aprehensive about this game, but I totally changed my oppinion about it 5 mins into playing it. Try it!
It is so mutch fun!, June 23, 2003
Reviewer: An 11-year old gamer
At first when I got this game for cristmas I thought it wasent going to be fun. But after I started plaing it I did'nt want to stop. So you should buy it.
Reviewer: An 11-year old gamer
Harry Poter and the Chamber of Secrets is a hard but fun game. Once you beat a level it is very hard to stop. There was one level I enjoy very much. To get Ginny's brass scales in the Magical Menageri. It is hard and scary. It is not that hard now, but I love it. I love that part.
Somethings I don't like about the game is:
1. Hermiones favors. If she knows were the stuff is, can't she get it herself?!
2.The prefects. They are very annoying. When they find you and blow you up. Then they shake their fingers at you. Sometimes they don't even look at you. They walk to you then turn away. I dont like it.
Anyways, the graphics of this game and PS2 are great!
The best magical adventure of all time, May 26, 2003
Reviewer: A 12-year old gamer
This game has the most advanced graphic quality that I have seen yet.Though the loading time does get anoying at times the gamplay was excellent and awe-inspiring.The multitude of spells was quite impressing as was the monsters.However,the freedom to fly on the nimbus 2000 was by far my favorite aspect of the game.Although the flight controles were a bit finigy in the begining,you do get used to them.The Basilisc was my favorite monster though beating him was a little to easy.I hope that my review was helpful and happy shoping!
Can you play through Hogwarts while in Danger?, May 24, 2003
Reviewer: A 10-year old gamer
This game is great! I really love this game. This game is fun, dangerous, and extremely magical. I'm very glad it was as fun as the fist. But maybe just a bit funner. Anyways the graphics are great and the only thing I think thats bad about the game is the loading section. It takes about 30 seconds to get to one room to the other. My favorite section of the game is Quidditch and doing tasks for Hermione or Ron! So go to the video game or movie store and buy this tremendously wonderful game. Cuz trust me... this game will be the best you've ever played in your life. Just trust me.
The First To The Second To The Chamber Of Secrets, May 14, 2003
Reviewer: A 10-year old gamer
Hey guys, want my opinion? Really, you sure, positive? Okay guys. I think this game is a total pile-a-fun. I'm a big Harry Potter fan. Even Harry Potter hators will love this game. It's action pack, and quickly fast, except the loading parts. What I meant by quickly fast is the game is too short. There's words going across my mind saying the game is shorter than the first. But I thought about it and decided to keep my thought. Giving it five stars. I mean, give it a chance. Every game isn't perfect, and you can't argue with that. And if you do I'm gonna give you the stupid look. Anyways,my brother isn't a Harry Potter fan, and he still enjoyed the game. So go out, buy the game, and play, play, play. So what I'm trying to say is "Wow!" Hey guys, I'm gonna get off the point. Okay with that? Okay! Have you heard of that new Harry Potter Book, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix? I think that book's gonna be the BOMB! I hear it's coming out June 19th this year. Man. Sorry to Harry Potter fans but I love Harry Potter. Emma Watson, Rupert Grintt, Daniel Radcliffe. They're all great. ( My name's Reggie Watson. I'm Emma Watson's brother. Naw, I'm just kidding, but my last name is Watson) Anyway getting back to the point, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is wonderful. Well, the dueling is pretty fun. And Professor Lockheart teaches you the Expelliarmus spell. My favorite part in the game is the Whomping Willow. It's fairly easy, as well as the magical bookcase in Hogwarts. Well, it's been nice. Time to go beat Draco Malfoy, Crabbes, and Goyle!